Apple supplier Pegatron has admitted to being “aghast” at the kickback scandal involving an Apple manager and its recently-acquired Kaedar subsidiary — but says it shouldn’t affect relations between the two firms. Apple employee Paul Devine pleaded not guilty to money laundering and wire fraud charges after prosecutors said he received at least $1 million from half a dozen Asian suppliers for providing information. Through an elaborate system of bank accounts and a front company, Devine took payments in exchange for sharing confidential data, including sales forecasts for unreleased iPod and iPhone models, product roadmaps and sales reports. Busted once the company found information relating to the kickbacks on his Apple-supplied computer, Devine now faces criminal and civil actions. Pegatron was implicated in the scandal, but sacked a senior manager at Kaedar in response. The company also observes that it acquired Kaedar in 2008 and that firm is not involved in its Apple product supply chain. Pegatron — one of two firms manufacturing iPhones for Apple — has been seeking to increase its Apple order book. The company observes that as the kickback scandal dates from before its acquisition of Kaedar, relations between Apple and its wannabe supplier shouldn’t be negatively impacted. The firm also recently secured dsktop manufacturing orders from Apple, say reports.