While being questioned as a witness in the Apple vs. Samsung case, Phil Schiller just revealed Apple’s marketing budget for 2009 and 2010, reported AllThingsD. The Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing would certainly be the one with all of the knowledge, as he told the packed courtroom that the Cupertino-based company spent $97.5 million on U.S. iPhone ads in 2008. Apple further spent $149.6 million on iPhone ads in 2009, and then it reached $346.6 million for iPhone and iPad advertising in fiscal 2010.

Adding a bit of context, Forbes reported yesterday that Apple spent $933 million on advertising during 2011 (up 35 percent year-over-year), $691 million during 2010, and then $501 million during 2009. The publication concluded that Apple only spent less than 1 percent of its total sales on advertising last year.

Schiller added today that each time Apple sells a new iPhone, it sells as many units as all of the previous versions combined. That is a high expectation for the next iPhone to meet. [AllThingsD, Forbes]