Pinterest takes that concept and spins it in another direction. As opposed to sharing what you see on a day-to-day basis, Pinterest invites others to get a taste for your sense of style. And that, I’ve discovered, is just as telling and revealing about your personality as a stream of your everyday photographic moments.

John Cusack said it best in High Fidelity: “…what really matters is what you like, not what you are like… Books, records, films – these things matter. Call me shallow but it’s the [bleepin’] truth.” Instead of arming you with a smartphone camera, a la Instagram, Pinterest hooks you up with a simple bookmarklet for your web browser.

When you click it, the bookmarklet will isolate all the images on the page so you can choose which one you want to pin to one of your Pinboards. Pinboards let you organize your pins in anyway you’d like. It’s great for organizing home decorating ideas, wedding inspiration, recipes, etc. In this way, it’s a lot like Delicious. Add a pithy comment, share it and wait for the Likes and Repins to roll in. It’s kind of fun.

Best of all, all of your favorite celebrities are already on it. There’s people like Felicia Day, pinning pictures of claracorns and stuff, as well as a host of other Tastemakers I might recognize if I was into style and fashion. As with Twitter, you can follow and be followed without reciprocating, making it fairly easy to customize your personal feed of pretty things.

Give it a shot. You might like it. Oh, and be sure to follow me if you are interested in a lot of Reddit reposts. Btw – nice write up on the google sitelinks – very helpful. cheers :) Comment