Piper Jaffray today published the results of its semi-annual “Taking Stock with Teens” survey. The survey questioned 8,000 high school students in the United States, and as usual, Apple came out atop in the smartphone category.

Of the 8,000 students who were surveyed, 83 percent said they were iPhone owners followed by 9 percent saying they were Android users. In terms of the future smartphone purchases, 86 percent said they plan for their next smartphone to be an iPhone.

As for the Apple Watch, 20 percent of teens said they owned an Apple Watch, followed by the Samsung Gear at 2 percent. 22 percent of the surveyed teems said they will purchase an Apple Watch in the next six months, which is down slightly from Piper Jaffray’s fall survey results of 23 percent.

Philip Elmer-DeWitt notes that Piper Jaffray’s survey is somewhat skewed towards teens with money to spend:

In terms of social media platforms, Snapchat was rated as the “favorite” social media platform. The ephemeral video sharing app received the votes of 41 percent of respondents, followed by Instagram at 35 percent. Twitter and Facebook received 6 percent each, followed by Pinterest at 1 percent.

View more details from the report, including celebrities, shopping fast food, and more, on the Piper Jaffray website.

Pictured at top: Nomad Base Station