Captain Jack Sparrow of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is considered such a goofy, lovable character by so many fans that people even dress up as the pirate for birthdays, renaissance fairs and other occasions. As funny as the eccentric Captain can be, he’s also pretty much the worst person ever, and his actions speak even louder than his fast talking (which is saying something).

Jack Sparrow isn’t only a thorn in the side of authority; he also tends to be terrible to the people who care about him, proving over and over again that he is always his own number one priority. Let’s take a look at some of his worst deeds ever.

He Sold Out His Friends

It doesn’t matter if you’re Jack Sparrow’s crew member, acquaintance, enemy or even lover– if it profits him at all, he’s bound to sell you out. Even when he helps people, it’s usually part of a complex scheme he’s whipped up to better his own life, usually in terms of his own freedom, riches or other benefits.

From the moment Jack Sparrow saves Elizabeth Swan onwards, everything he does is the result of duplicitous decision-making, yet audiences continue to come back for more. It can’t be denied that it’s entertaining, but that doesn’t mean he’s a decent human being.

He Tried To Romance Elizabeth Swann

It’s one thing to flirt with someone to gauge interest, but when that person makes it clear that you’re making them uncomfortable, you back off immediately. It’s what a good person does, so it’s the opposite of Jack Sparrow’s actions. He hits on Elizabeth Swan over and over, infuriating the young woman who is obviously in love with someone else and promised to yet another person.

Captain Jack was perfectly happy trying to romance a young lady who wanted nothing to do with him. Not that she didn’t do the same thing right back to him when leaving him for the Kraken later, but still.

He Let Will Go Down For His Debt

Watching Will Turner pay Jack Sparrow’s debt to Davy Jones was one of the most painful moments for fans of the franchise. Jack convinces Will to help steal Jones’ heart and approach the captain, even going as far as suggesting Will say the words, “Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt.” This made Will a member of the crew of the Flying Dutchman, of course.

Will’s fate is tied with the ship, and by the end of the film, fans witness him reunite with Elizabeth (for just one day) after a decade has gone by, as per the stipulations of his new position. It’s appalling that this occurred because of his involvement with Jack.

He Made The Deal With Beckett

Jack’s constant double crossing and betrayal of everyone in his life is something audiences get used to quickly, but when he sinks as low as to make a deal with Beckett, it is despicable. He’s a pirate, of course it’s part of his big plan in the long run, but if he hadn’t been able to get onto the Flying Dutchman, the bargain he struck would not have served him well in the end.

That would not have boded well for Jack and all of the pirates at Shipwreck Cove, who would have simply been at the mercy of Beckett’s attack.

Jack Helped Blackbeard Get To The Fountain Of Youth

One of the worst things Jack Sparrow has ever done was assist the world’s most ruthless pirate in almost becoming immortal, thus condemning the world to Blackbeard’s cruelty. He did it only to get to the Fountain of Youth himself, yet again putting his own selfish desires ahead of the greater good. He would have succeeded, too, had Barbossa and the Spanish fleet not arrived in time to prevent it from happening.

He also attempted to stage a mutiny aboard Blackbird’s ship, which not only failed but resulted in the unnecessary loss of life of several members of the crew.

He Ruined Angelica’s Future

The love of Jack’s life, Angelica, was committed to a life as a nun before he plunged into her life. Jack mistook the nunnery as a brothel and seduced her, which forced her to give up her vows and leave with him to engage in a life of piracy. Sure, she made the decision, but she was young and innocent when he stumbled upon her, and she never forgave him for that.

She tells him, “you betrayed me! You seduced me and you used me. I was innocent of the ways of men,” and all he can do is make a sarcastic quip to the effect that it didn’t seem like she had been so innocent at the time.

He Almost Let Gibbs Hang

Trust Jack Sparrow to swoop in at the last minute to save his oldest friend only when it serves him. Jack has betrayed his crew countless times, so it’s a wonder any of them continue to put up with his shenanigans, but the worst time he betrayed a mate was when he almost left Joshamee Gibbs to hang.

While Jack did save Gibbs at the last minute, it was a risky move that had about as much of a shot working as it didn’t. He took a huge chance on his friend’s life, and he has executed other plans with more finesse.

He Almost Fed His Crew To Cannibals

In Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Jack Sparrow took up residence on a remote island, where he infiltrated a group of flesh-eating humans. Debate around whether or not Jack Sparrow actually became a cannibal himself rages on between fans of the franchise.

When he lead the tribe, it’s clear that he was willing to sacrifice his own crew to save his own life yet again. It’s one of the funniest moments as he runs away from the tribe, but it’s also one of the most sobering as we realize that he’s looking out for number one.

He Was Careless With Angelica’s Life

Jack Sparrow has been careless with the hearts of many ladies throughout his life, often the point of being yelled at, slapped and generally despised for his ill treatment of his past romantic partners. The worst of these incidences involved the supposed love of his life, Angelica, whom we met in On Stranger Tides.

Even though Jack claims to have been in love with Blackbeard’s daughter, he was totally willing to not only play roulette with the Fountain of Youth chalice, but also abandon Angelica to what could have been certain doom. He was completely willing to leave her behind if it meant getting his ship, once again choosing himself over others.

He Took Out Mass Lives

Time and time again, Jack Sparrow has demonstrated that he values no lives other than his own. The best example of this occurred when Jack was so eager to save himself against his debt to Davey Jones he set out to find 100 souls to hand over in exchange for his own. Jack literally believes that his own life is worth more than 100 other lives.

It wasn’t the first time he’d done it, either; Jack happily restored the missing Aztec gold to just in time to see his former crew perish while they believed themselves to be invincible, and he’s also assisted Blackbeard in luring mermaids to their demise.