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We’ve been looking at plastic renderings of the highly anticipated plastic “budget” iPhone for almost 6 months now. Analysts, leakers, and reports from all over have pinpointed a plastic shell in a variety of colors. We even commissioned a ten-color rendering way back in April (above). Now Techdy shows us what it would look like if one of those shells was put on a screen and given a high quality video/image treatment.

Another video courtesy of @MTPFlyers:

And guess what, we were able to fit the display assembly into the new budget iPhone’s rear shell. The display assembly just seemed to fit perfectly inside of the rear shell.

And a third video from @DetroitBORG:

Thanks Cyril! More high quality images below:

Techdy has many more and you may or may not believe this but are selling an Android version already for $200 (below):

  • More alleged leaked photos of plastic iPhone shells now show blue variety (
  • Sketchy photos claim to show backplate for rumored low-cost iPhone, iPad 5 schematics (
  • Instagram for iPhone updated with improved landscape, Cinema support (
  • Reuters: Apple building a $100 iPhone in a variety of colors, planning 5-inch iPhablets for next year (
  • New iPhone 5S photos reveal little new about the device (
  • iPhone takes top customer satisfaction slot in Samsung’s home turf of South Korea (
  • Apple testing Android-like local voice dictation for iOS (
  • Walmart reportedly slashing iPhone 5 price indefinitely to $129 beginning Saturday (