Michael Kukielka, otherwise known as the DetroitBorg, posted the excellent video above showcasing one of the plastic iPhone shells that has been leaking all over the web like crazy. Besides the focus on the thinner ‘iPhone’ font on the back, we’re not seeing too much in the way of new stuff here, but it is nice to see the comparison, especially with the iPod touch and the plastic iPhone 3GS (which was alluded to many months ago).

Check out our gallery of 10 different color options for the plastic iPhone here.

I have a feeling that these things, especially at a reduced price, are going to be very popular with the mid-tier set. Thanks Niels!

(Update: A similar video from TechExamined below)

  • More alleged leaked photos of plastic iPhone shells now show blue variety (9to5mac.com)
  • Plastic iPhone case put together in high quality video/gallery (9to5mac.com)
  • Reuters: Apple building a $100 iPhone in a variety of colors, planning 5-inch iPhablets for next year (9to5mac.com)
  • Rumored iPhone 5S production shots & specs: IGZO display, Fingerprint, NFC, 12MP cam (9to5mac.com)