PlatinumGames has uncovered the second game it’s currently developing under the working title Project G.G., which will focus on fighting giant kaiju. This is the second announcement in the planned series of four reveals by the studio.

The news regarding Project G.G. comes soon after the first unveiled project via the Platinum 4 website, the remastered version of The Wonderful 101. As a self-published initiative, the game needs support from devoted fans via Kickstarter where it has already attracted $1,746,973, which is roughly 35 times more than the initial goal of $49,102. The campaign’s current pacing could generate an eventual amount of collected funds that exceeds the $2 million-milestone. Regardless of whether this goal will be reached or not, the huge demand for PlatinumGames’ projects is hard to overrate.

Unlike The Wonderful 101: Remastered, Project G.G. is going to be a completely original IP. The assumption is that the newest game might be stylistically related to previous works by the studio, since PlatinumGames can be perceived as a recognizable brand of action titles. There’s little known about Project G.G. right now, but the game will definitely offer engaging fights with giant kaiju according to the trailer released today on YouTube. Judging by the debut images and the first teaser trailer, players will have the ability to transform into a huge robotic warrior to match the scale and potential power of huge monsters. It brings up an obvious comparison to Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim, which could’ve very well served as a brilliant inspiration for Platinum and Hideki Kamiya.

The overall description doesn’t sound like something brand new in terms of setting, but what makes this game unique is the unusual approach for the studio. For the first time in PlatinumGames’ history, it will not only develop a completely original title but also publish it and maintain full control over the creative process and distribution. In an open message for the community, game director Hideki Kamiya underlines the fact that this approach gives the team the feeling of unprecedented freedom along with even greater responsibility. The development is still in the early stages, so expect to hear more about the title in the coming months.

Project G.G. sounds like a passionate game by Platinum, and given the huge expertise of the studio in developing action titles, this upcoming IP might turn out exceptional and include all of the bold ideas Hideki Kamiya has been holding back until now. Maintaining creative control opens limitless possibilities for the development team to bring pioneering concepts to life.

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Project G.G. has no release date or platforms known yet.

Source: PlatinumGames/YouTube