Slate has been releasing great podcasts for many years, and I recently discovered one of their existing shows that have added a new format. Hi-Phi Nation, while already in season four, has a new structure. This season they are focusing on a single theme: crime and punishment. Crime and punishment podcasts have become extremely popular, so this makes a lot of sense for Slate to use their unique skills to bring a fresh look to the show. Hi-Phi Nation is hosted by Barry Lam.

I’ve listened to episode one of season four, and it’s well produced. Episode one is all about mens rea (the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime) in criminal law and why it exists. I am looking forward to seeing what else is in store for season four.

Subscribe to Hi-Phi Nation on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Castro, Pocket Casts, or RSS

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