During the COVID–19 pandemic, I decided that I wanted to use the time at home to invest in myself. One of the things I was challenged by in a recent episode of Business Casual was when Mark Cuban discussed the role of Artificial Intelligence in the future and recommended some tools to learn more. He mentioned some Coursera courses, so I am currently working my way through some of their AI training, but he also mentioned an AI-focused podcast called the TWIML AI Podcast that I added to my podcast subscription list.

TWIML (This Week in Machine Learning and AI) is a perfect way to hear from industry experts about how Machine Learning and AI will change our world. I plan to work through the back catalog soon, but the newest episodes have been informative. I particularly enjoyed this episode with Cathy Wu, Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT where they discussed simulating the future of traffic.

Subscribe to the TWIML AI Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and RSS.

TWIML has its origins in This Week in Machine Learning & AI, a podcast Sam launched in mid–2016 to a small but enthusiastic reception. Fast forward three years, and the TWIML AI Podcast is now a leading voice in the field, with over five million downloads and a large and engaged community following. Our offerings now include online meetups and study groups, conferences, and a variety of educational content.

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