After first demoing improved augmented reality features for Pokémon GO back at Apple’s developer conference in June, Niantic has officially announced AR+ mode for the hit game. AR+ leverages Apple’s ARKit framework to make Pokémon appear hyper realistic.

Because ARKit is an Apple technology only available on its devices, AR+ mode is a Pokémon GO feature exclusive to iPhones and iPads. Here’s how it works:

Niantic isn’t just making Pokémon look prettier either. They’re actually introducing new gameplay mechanics based on ARKit.

Trainers can even use AR+ mode and ARKit to potentially score more XP and Stardust with Expert Handler bonuses. Check out some examples of AR+ mode gameplay below:

Pokémon GO is available for free on the App Store; ARKit features require iOS 11 or later and iPhone 6s or later.

You never know who you’ll run into on the Apple campus! The power of ARKit is coming to @PokemonGoApp today — taking its AR to a new level, including more interactivity between Pokémon and Trainers.

— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) December 21, 2017