Since it’s release, Pokemon Go! has been a worldwide sensation. Players are given the chance to engage in the world of Pokemon at the tip of their fingers. The mobile app has done nothing but get progressively better as the years have passed. Each new update gives Pokemon Go! players a chance to see new Pokemon, explore new items, and even be given the opportunity to catch Pokemon that may otherwise be unreachable. But how can players get the absolute best out of their items?

Luckily, players are also given Lucky Eggs and Incense. These items help attract Pokemon and give players the ultimate Pokemon catching experience. Lucky Eggs and Incense can work to help players boost their XP and their chances of finding Pokemon. The Lucky Eggs work as a function for players to double their XP. By contrast, Incense gives players the chance to catch more Pokemon than are usually in the wild. These additional Pokemon pop up ever five or so minutes, depending on how much walking the player is doing.

To get the best out of player’s Pokemon items, here is a list of tips and tricks to best utilize the in-game items.

Using Pokemon Go! items in Tangent

The first trick feels a little obvious, but it’s always worth mentioning. To get the most out of the Lucky Eggs and Incense, it’s best if players use them together. Since the Lucky Egg gives players double XP and the Incense provides more Pokemon, each catch will give players more XP than before.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the best time to use both items is when a Lure is used on a Pokestop. The Lures will attract even more Pokemon, giving players ample opportunity to catch even more XP. When all three of these items are used, it’s like the aligning of the stars. It’s rare and marvelous.

Be Patient, Wait for a Pokemon Go! Event

Pokemon Go! events are some of the best events from a video game franchise. These events can be anywhere from region-specific to general participation. However, these events are the best times to use the Lucky Eggs and Incense, bar none.

Generally speaking, Pokemon Go! events offer players a chance to catch Pokemon that are generally harder to find in the wild. The most recent upcoming event, Community Day (February 22, 2020) is slated to provide players a chance to catch new Legendary and Shiny Pokemon. Events are the perfect time for players to use up all the Lucky Eggs and Incense that has been stored up.

During an event, Niantic generally allows players access to more stardust, XP, and items than before. If players add their Lucky Eggs and Incense to the mix, the rewards are astronomically larger. For every new Pokemon caught, players are rewarded with 500 XP. Pair this with a Lucky Egg, and players easily will get 1000 XP.  If the Incense is used on top of this, players will be able to catch heaps of new Pokemon and gain boatloads of XP in the process.

Evolve, Evolve, Evolve: The Secret of Pokemon Go!

There is nothing more annoying than constantly running into Caterpies, Weedles, Sentret, and any other super common Pokemon. The real question becomes, what do players do with this excess of Pokemon? Easy!

One of the best ways to utilize the Lucky Egg and the Incense is to evolve Pokemon players have on deck. Even if players have the evolved form of the common Pokemon, the XP given during evolution is phenomenal. If players find that they have far too many common Pokemon on deck, just hold onto them and evolve them while using the Lucky Egg.

The Incense will be perfect to use when evolving Pokemon as well. Because a certain number of candies is necessary to evolve a Pokemon, the Incense will help in increasing a player’s chances of finding Pokemon, thus increasing the chances of getting more candies to evolve them. It’s also worth mentioning that some Pokemon Go! events will offer double candies or double XP for every Pokemon turned into the professor. It would be in the player’s best interest to hold onto surplus Pokemon until Pokemon Go! candy and XP events.

Pokestops, Gyms, and More Pokemon Go! Tips

As previously mentioned, using a Lure with the Lucky Egg and Incense is sure to give players more XP than ever before. However, this isn’t the only way for players to utilize Gyms and Pokestops.

For every Pokestop and Gym visited, players are granted a certain amount of XP. For every new Pokestop a player interacts with, 250 XP. This gives players that are in an area with a cluster of Pokestops the chance to receive a large amount of XP. If this process is paired with a Lucky Egg, that amount is easily doubled for players, not to mention the amount of items players can receive for each spin.

Pokemon Gyms work a little differently than the normal Pokestops, however. The Gyms are more dependent on how many times each player has had a Pokemon in said Gym. For example, if a player is visiting a friendly Gym and the player has not been visited previously, players can receive about 31 XP. This is contrasted with players who have never visited an enemy Gym previously with 25 XP. Although this seems like it plays a small part, this slight difference can mean a lot to players using a Lucky Egg. Additionally, defeating an enemy Gym with a Lucky Egg can definitely give players a needed XP boost.

Pokemon Go! Begs Players to Keep Moving

This one should go without saying, but the Lucky Egg and Incense are best used while players are still moving. It is not recommended to use the Lucky Egg and Incense if players plan to sit in their house and wait for Pokemon to show up. Sure, some will arrive, but nowhere near as many will populate the screen if players remain stationary.

Continuing to walk and visit Pokestops will increase the chances of players running into more Pokemon and gaining more experience. Although it is not recommended to play Pokemon while driving, it’s definitely a good idea to keep the game on while hopping on a bus, being driven somewhere, or taking a train. Although seemingly little, these boosts can help increase the player’s chances of finding new Pokemon, then gaining more XP.

Although these aren’t all the tips and tricks available in the game, this list is sure to get players started on the right foot for their adventure! So keep walking, Pokemon Masters! You’ll be swimming in XP in no time!

More: Pokemon GO Set Profit Records in 2019 That Trounced Its Launch in 2016

Pokemon Go! is available now on IOS and Android systems.