Police scam warnings in regard to the coronavirus spread have been issued by Europol.

Europol represents the 27 police forces of EU countries and, until the end of the year, the UK too. It says that the coronavirus has increased the risk of online scams in three ways …

Police scam warnings

First, reports TNW, increased fear levels make people more likely to panic when faced with an email demanding urgent action. Second, the increase in online shopping means there are more ecommerce scams out there. Third, there are specific coronavirus-themed scams.

Cybersecurity experts fight hackers

It’s not just individuals who are being targeted, but organizations too. Reuters reports that cybersecurity experts from than 40 different countries are joining forces to protect healthcare providers and communications networks.

Smartphone data shows how easily the virus spreads

Two companies have joined forces to provide a graphic illustration of just how easily the virus can spread, tracking the movements of smartphones present on just one Florida beach over Spring Break.

One of four initial managers of the effort, Marc Rogers, said the top priority would be working to combat hacks against medical facilities and other frontline responders to the pandemic. It is already working on hacks of health organizations.

Also key is the defense of communication networks and services that have become essential as more people work from home.

This shows the location data of phones that were on a Florida beach during Spring Break. It then shows where those phones traveled.

First thing you should note is the importance of social distancing. The second is how much data your phone gives off. pic.twitter.com/iokUX3qjeB

— Mikael Thalen (@MikaelThalen) March 26, 2020

Alexa joins Siri in coronavirus self-diagnosis

Earlier this week, Apple gave Siri the ability to help people self-diagnose COVID-19, using a questionnaire provided by the CDC.

Zuckerberg and Gates commit $75M

Two high-profile tech philanthropic organizations have committed a total of $75M to the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator – a body set-up to coordinate international researchers working on vaccines and treatments for the disease.

Ask, “Alexa, what do I do if I think I have COVID-19?” or “Alexa, what do I do if I think I have coronavirus?,” and Alexa will ask a series of questions about your travel history, symptoms, and possible exposure. Based on your responses, Alexa will provide CDC guidance given your risk level and symptoms.

The Verge reports that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed $50M, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative set up by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Chan has promised $25M.

900% in Twitter hate speech toward China

Less happily, a report has found a 900% increase in hate speech on Twitter directed at China and Chinese people.

Coronavirus lockdown reverses #deletefacebook

The Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018 may have led to a #deletefacebook movement, but it seems that a combination of being locked down at home, and a desire to check up on family and friends, has lead to many people reactivating their accounts. CNET reports.

People are spending more and more time on social networks, communication apps, chat rooms and gaming services, and the problems endemic to these platforms – hate, abuse, toxicity and bullying – have become accentuated.

Previous roundups:

It’s hard to quantify how many people have returned to Facebook after dropping off the platform. Facebook didn’t respond to a request for information on how many users have rejoined the social network since the coronavirus outbreak began. Usage data, however, suggests the social network and its services, including Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, have seen a surge in traffic since the virus outbreak started.

  • Tech coronavirus roundup: From tracking apps to when not to use your microwave
  • Tech coronavirus roundup: From lower-res Netflix to hospital Wi-Fi hotspots

Image: Tectonix