The Apple Watch was released 8 months ago and it has been met with a wide array of responses from users. The device presented a new dilemma for Apple. Instead of something like an iPhone, which while meant to be used daily, is not meant to necessarily be constantly sending you notifications, Apple Watch’s purpose is to keep you alert 24/7. As I’ve learned over the last 8 months, that has its own benefits and drawbacks.

Personally, I was never entirely sold on Apple Watch when it was announced. I wasn’t convinced that I wanted to be constantly notified of everything going on online. I was perfectly content with the idea of pulling out my iPhone when I wanted to be updated and leaving it in my pocket while trying to disconnect and enjoy those around me. Nevertheless, I ended up buying an Apple Watch on launch day and now that the aura of it being a shiny new product has worn off, I’ve come to realize that it hasn’t affected my life as significantly as Apple had hoped it would.

My original instinct of not wanting to be connected 24/7 was entirely true. I really am not a fan of receiving every notification as soon as it comes in. I use technology so often in my life that when I’m not working, I really like to disconnect and avoid Twitter and basically digital communication as a whole. This has led to me only wearing my Apple Watch a few days a week and for a device that is meant to be always attached to your wrist, I don’t think that’s what Apple intended for the use patterns of its customers to be.

I understand that I may be in the minority here. A lot of people probably love the idea of being always connected to the web and to never miss a notification, but I don’t. I’ve found that when I get too attached to technology, I get burnt out even more quickly than I do normally with technology.

While the issue goes deeper than the Apple Watch itself for me, there are things Apple could do to improve it and maybe convince me to wear it on a more regular basis. Primarily, it needs to be faster. It seems like every time I turn to my Watch to do something like check the weather or view reminders, I’m hit with the spinning loading wheel for far too long before the actual content itself appears.

One of the features Apple touted most for the Watch was Health. The idea of using the device to better yourself health-wise is a huge appeal for many users, myself included. I love using the device to track my steps and physical activity for the day, but there’s one issue. My physical activity of choice is playing basketball and the Apple Watch is not comfortable enough at all to wear while playing basketball in my experience. It’s simply too big. In Apple’s defense, there aren’t many wearables that are small enough to wear while playing basketball. But, then again, maybe I’m in the minority in thinking the Apple Watch isn’t meant for basketball.

This is a similar experience as to what Sarah experienced when she sent her Apple Watch off to get replaced. Sarah explained that while she likes her Apple Watch, it hasn’t significantly changed or altered her life. On the other hand, Ben started out as a smartwatch skeptic but has now been totally assimilated.

We reported earlier this month that Apple was planning a March event to unveil the Apple Watch 2. As we reported in June, Apple has been working on new camera, wireless, sleep tracking, and health sensor technologies for the device, but it’s unclear what exactly will make it into the second generation wearable.

The idea of already upgrading my $700 Apple Watch to a new model seems absurd to me at this point. I never thought the Watch would be something that needed to be refreshed every year. As of right now, I’m leaning towards either not upgrading or opting for the lower-end Sport variants over the stainless steel model I chose this year.

But, as always, your mileage may vary. Are you still wearing your Apple Watch everyday? If so, tell us why in the comments below. If not, what would make you change your opinion and become a more regular user?