Let’s face it, whatever anyone thinks about the rest of the iPhone 6/6s design, those antenna lines running across the back of the phone have never been popular.

The need for them resulted from Apple’s decision to switch to an all-aluminum casing. Radio signals can’t pass through the metal, so Apple broke up the casing with two plastic strips which are transparent to radio signals.

If the latest claimed chassis images are genuine, this is a design issue Apple aims to fix for the iPhone 7 …

There’s no sign of the plastic strips running directly across the back, seemingly replaced by curved strips running around the top and bottom of the casing. This would require the antennas to be repositioned within the innards of the device, so it’s by no means certain that the images are real, but if they are it will allow for a much sleeker-looking rear casing.

Reader Veniamin Geskin created some mockup images showing what the finished casing might look like. Personally, I think it’s a huge improvement, and from comments on the original piece, it seems plenty of you agree – so we thought it was time to put that to the test with a poll.

As ever, let us know any additional thoughts in the comments.