If Apple only includes one new standout feature on its second-generation Apple Watch next year, what should it be? We already asked you if you’re still wearing your Apple Watch eight months after the device’s launch, and now we want to know what features will get you to upgrade or purchase Apple’s upcoming next-gen smartwatch.

Apple Watch 2 is coming, likely at a press event that we reported a few weeks back that is currently scheduled for March. Some of the possibilities for the new device include a FaceTime camera, standalone Wi-Fi, sleep tracking, and health sensor technologies, all of which we reported Apple has in development internally.

Those seem like natural progressions for the device — independent Wi-Fi will give it freedom from an iPhone connection, while a camera for video chat and additional health sensors seem to be highly-requested by both customers and reviewers — but it’s still unknown which of those features will make the final cut. It’s also possible Apple will surprise everyone with other unique features, like a smart strap platform that allows third-party band makers to integrate additional sensors, batteries, or other tech that interfaces with the Apple Watch.

What will encourage you to upgrade from the first-generation Apple Watch? Or if you were a holdout on the first release, which of these features will inspire you to purchase the second-generation as your first Apple Watch?

Head below to cast your vote in the poll (and continue the discussion in the comments).