For those of us who do a large amount of writing whether for a living or just for fun, there are a few different apps to choose from. As of today, one of the top choices is getting even better with a huge update. Welcome to Scrivener 3.

Scrivener has historically had a smaller, but almost cultish following from its fans. To me it has always been an enormously functional app, even though it has way more features than I need. But whatever your needs, Scrivener has you covered and with this latest update is only getting better.

From their own huge list here are just a few of the improvements:

  • The interface has been overhauled and modernized
  • Extensive Touch Bar support added
  • Modernised and rewritten codebase for 64-bit. Scrivener is faster, more stable and ready for the future
  • See draft and session progress bars in the toolbar
  • The powerful new Bookmarks feature replaces Project Notes, References and Favorites, and allows you to view oft-needed documents right in the Inspector

For those that already use Scrivener, this update will only cost $25 and $45 for new users. However, if you don’t want to drop that much without testing it first you are in luck! Scrivener offers a free 30 day trial. If you do your writing in bursts, then bonus, it only takes a day if you use the app that day. Which means, if you write twice a week, the trial would last you 15 weeks.

The iOS app isn’t being updated right now, but will be completely functional with both past versions and the new Scrivener 3. Check out the rest of the info on the release here.