The Power Rangers reboot is just a month away from its March 24 release, and Lionsgate appears far from done in its promotional push. While there have been precious few details recently released about the plot line of the film and the backstories of its characters, there has been an abundance of visually striking previews of Power Rangers that are sure to excite hardcore fans.

Recent posters have depicted the Power Rangers in their suits and ready to morph, in addition to the latest glimpses at their Zords. The second domestic trailer gave a good look at Bryan Cranston as Zordon, as well as Megazord and Goldar. It even featured the signature phrase, “It’s Morphin’ Time.” The latest trailer also includes the Rangers’ unmistakable catchphrase – and now, it’s the international audience’s turn to get excited.

The second international trailer for Power Rangers was released recently, showcasing many of the same elements of the second domestic trailer. There’s the five Rangers discovering their powers, meeting Zordon and Alpha 5, fighting the Putty Patrol in their full Power Ranger suits, and eventually manning their Zords against Rita Repulsa and her army.

Besides a few fleeting glimpses here and there, the international trailer does not offer much to viewers that’s new or fresh. There is, however, an ever-so-slightly extended glimpse at a nighttime encounter between Rita Repulsa and the Rangers that doesn’t appear to go too well for the good guys. The new trailer strips away some of the bits of humor that were sprinkled throughout the second U.S. trailer and featured in the third and final U.S. trailer; it’s essentially a truncated version of the second trailer, with only the important parts.

Overseas Power Rangers fans are sure to be satisfied with the new international trailer if they had not seen the domestic version. It gives a solid-enough preview of the film’s action, special effects, and epic battle scenes. The expected climactic battle between Megazord and Goldar gets a bit of an extended look in the international trailer and gives all viewers a strong taste of what to expect.

Ultimately, this second international trailer doesn’t bring much to the table in terms of fresh, new content, but it’s a nice summary of the story to come and the intense action that will arise from it. Not much has been seen of Rita Repulsa beyond these trailers and most of her dialogue has yet to be revealed, but Banks sure looks the part as the powerful sorceress. If you’ve consumed all of the Power Rangers previews to come out so far, you may leave this trailer wanting a lot more – but if you have yet to see what the movie has to offer, this trailer may be a good place to start.

Next: Power Rangers: You Can Now Chat With Alpha 5

Source: Lionsgate