After the success of The Wire, networks, for some reason, have steered clear of another show following the same blueprint. When it was announced that Starz and 50 Cent were collaborating on a new show titled Power, the urban community applauded.

Two of the main questions asked were who will play in it and can those characters live up to what HBO was able to do with the crew on Baltimore? The cast of Power is diverse and the actors have shown great range and emotion. Here are the top 10 fan-favorite characters of Power.

Tariq St. Patrick

Tariq is by far the most hated character on the show. That’s what makes his character so appealing. Normally, it’s an adult that leaves viewers wishing for death, but the consensus is that Tariq should have taken the place of Raina that night outside the school. Most kids disobey their parents but Tariq takes it to another level.

He’s a smart kid and maybe just a little too smart for his own good. He wants to be like his father and still hate him at the same time. He’s done and caused so much damage that it would be a travesty if he were to make it out of all this unscathed.

Cooper Saxe

He’s was a snake in the beginning but his character was necessary. This season, he’s been all about the details surrounding the death of his fellow agent Angela. However, when she was alive, he continuously stabbed her in the back. Saxe has always been about himself. He talks a big tough game but when the pressure is on, he often cracks.

Trying to nab James has always been a high priority of his so much so that he’s tried blackmailing everyone from Angela to Tariq. Saxe may be a hated character on Power, but he played a vital role in the show becoming such a huge success.

LaKeisha Grant

Her death was a long time coming. Keisha didn’t belong in the drug game and her actions proved that to be true. Keisha started Power owning a beauty salon which her friend Tasha was using as a front to launder drug money. What that did was put a strain on their relationship at first.

Keisha was a single mother raising her son until Tommy came into the picture. She loved the high life but was snobbish in her new role. She tried too hard to be a part of that world and never fit in. When cornered, she was ready to take everyone down and Tasha could not let that happen.

Kanan Stark

Without Kanan, there would be no Ghost and Tommy. The three were close until Ghost set Kanan up and he was forced to do time in prison. With Kanan locked up, Ghost and Tommy took over and became big. But little did they know, Kanan was plotting his revenge from prison.

He had people inside Ghost’s organization ready to strike and when the time came, Kanan moved with the stealth of a ninja. Kanan turned Tariq against his own father and almost pulled off the ultimate betrayal if it wasn’t for his greed. Kanan was smart but his downfall was that he didn’t have the right people in his corner.

Andre Coleman

We had high hopes for Dre in the beginning. Sent into the organization as a watchful eye, Ghost took Dre under his wing and was grooming him to be his successor. However, Dre had other plans. No longer under the scheming ways of Kanan, Dre took actions into his own hands and tried to remove everyone out of the picture. For a while, it appeared that his plan worked.

Dre became a huge distributor for the Jimenez Cartel but even he couldn’t fly the straight and narrow without setting someone up for a fall. Locked away in protective custody, Dre still found a way back into the good grace’s of Ghost only to screw that up as well. Too many blown opportunities for a guy given an Empire at his feet.

Tasha St. Patrick

The once-loyal wife of James St. Patrick has turned into a suspect in his shooting. Tasha was once loyal to the cause, but situations have put her in a position where she wants her ex-husband dead. She does have a motive but putting her at blame is not a stretch. This is the same person who murdered her best friend, even if it was in self-defense.

Tasha is intelligent, conniving, and deceitful but in her own way, she has to be. Instead of pulling her son away from that life, she’s teaching him how to navigate that rabbit hole.

Angela Valdes

Call it love, lust, or whatever, but Angela and Ghost couldn’t shake their chemistry or past. It took her a while to put the pieces together. Being on the right side of the law while maintaining a relationship with the wrong side often put her at odds with herself, her office, and in danger. In the end, it wasn’t someone she put away that killed her, but a former friend.

Angela made her mistakes along the way but her death was not necessary. We were all waiting for that escape moment where she and Ghost would hopefully escape somewhere safe. Her absence is definitely felt this season.

Joe Proctor

The lawyer every criminal wishes they had on their team. His death was another example of how Tommy can’t control his emotions. Proctor knew the dirty details of Ghost’s business and still stood by his side. Often threatened with jail time and disbarment, Proctor often stood tall. The way to control him was by adding his daughter into the equation.

His personal life was just as hectic and messy as his professional side. He and his ex-wife had split over her drug abuse which put her and Proctor in an ugly custody battle. He was paid but that still doesn’t mean that Protoor wasn’t loyal to everyone. He has walked on thin ice with almost everyone when all he wanted to do was protect what was his.

Tommy Egan

The other half of the dynamic duo. The jury is still out regarding the viewer’s feelings on Tommy. Tommy is a hothead who knows nothing but the drug game. He never had any intentions of getting out and wanted nothing more than to be the biggest dealer in NYC. The only issue Tommy has is that he can’t get out of his own way.

Tommy can be loyal and when there’s something dirty that needs to be done, he’s on the job. His love life has been a weak spot for him as every woman he’s ever loved has either betrayed him in some form or ended up dead.

James “Ghost” St. Patrick

Who shot Ghost? It could be anyone at this point as he felt he was above the law and immune to any of the street rules. He’s at his breaking point and rightfully so. For the majority of the show, he’s been trying to walk the fine line of drug dealer and entrepreneur. All of his relationships have soured. He lost his daughter then the women he loved.

Ghost is smart but his world is caving around him and he has no clear out. He’s still feared by some but even those who respected him are now coming for that crown. Ghost can’t be dead. There’s still more left to be done.

Next: The Wire: Top 10 Characters, Ranked